Monday, 9 June 2008

South Road - potholes every where....

As Seamus Moore sang..... "potholes everywhere, even though I pay me road tax, they [Redbridge] treat me [South Road] like a clown.

Residents will know of Wilson's campaign to help Chadwell residents on South Road. Residents on this road are forced to live with pot holes, flooding, uneven road, and down right mess.

Why? Because the Council say this is a "private road".

Yet residents get NO council tax rebate or money off their road taxes. In previous years the Council has promised action and funding. Yet this has yet to materialise from our Conservative administration who come from Ilford North - the wards north of the A12.

WE SAY: "Residents deserve to live on a decent road. It cannot be right that in Chadwell Heath in modern Britian that roads are worse than downtown Baghdad. Wilson will carry on the fight".

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